All members should have received an email in late October regarding the move to our new software package “Swim Manager”. Swim Manager is used by the club to hold members’ details, setup events and send messages. Members can use the system to track swimmers progress, find Personal Bests, etc.

To login to the package for the first time, please follow these steps:
— From the home page select the blue Swim Manager link.
— You will be prompted to login with an email address and password. If you have not logged in to the application before, select the “Forgotten Password” link.
— On the “Request a new password” screen, enter the email address that club messages are sent to and click the “Send Password Reset Link” button.
— A link will be sent to your email address – follow the link to enter a new password of your choice.

It is important that you use the email address to which club messages are sent, because other addresses will not be registered on Swim Manager.

The system tracks both parents and swimmers details under one “Account”. The “Members” link will give access to the parents/guardians and the swimmers records, as applicable. Please check and update your details when you login for the first time.

A history of event times can be viewed within the swimmer’s member record, under the “Times” tab. Owing to the current climate there have not be many events this year, but previous years’ results are viewable by changing the date and event options above the chart.

The “Messages” link on the left-hand menu gives a handy record of emails sent to each member.

There is a full user guide within the software package – select “User Guide” from the side-bar menu. Please note that some features are not yet in use within the club, yet, e.g. the Finance and Invoicing screens.

If you have issues logging in to Swim Manager, or have any further comments, please raise them using the “About the Club/Contact Us” form on the website and select the contact “Website help”.